Silver Bullet Con­sor­tium

Silver Bullet Con­sor­tium LogoThe West describes the Silver Bullet as a few things; very effec­tive, mag­i­cal rem­edy, best and only solu­tion. These are just some of the com­monly under­stood rep­re­sen­ta­tions of its mean­ing. This belief is syn­ony­mous to that of Sil­ver Bul­let Con­sor­tium Pte Ltd code of ethics.

Sil­ver Bul­let Con­sor­tium was founded by pas­sion­ate indi­vid­u­als that care “For the Best Things in Life” so that; the same value can be shared to those with a sim­i­lar mind­set. With today’s inter­net and volatile busi­ness promises, Sil­ver Bul­let with its Seal of assur­ance is proud to offer per­son­ally selected pre­mium prod­ucts to its friends and patrons. Each prod­uct in our inven­tory will be qual­ity checked and explained so that there will not be any dis­ap­point­ment upon arrival.

They also believe in cre­at­ing a val­ued plat­form to allow the con­gre­ga­tion of indi­vid­u­als that can share and con­tribute the same appro­pri­ate under­stand­ing and knowl­edge for the finer things in life. This adven­ture is to ulti­mately develop a Cul­ture that does not define “Class” by the colour of paper but rather by the value of the indi­vid­ual and how each live their lifestyle fruitfully.

Packages by Silver Bullet Con­sor­tium

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